12th Conference of the Parties (COP 12)
6th – 17th November in Nairobi
Official UNFCCC
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Im Rahmen dieser zwölften "Conference of Parties" der UNO-Klimarahmenkonvention (COP12) und gleichzeitig des zweiten "Meeting of the Parties" der Unterzeichnerstaaten des Kyoto-Protokolls (MOP1) wurde über die Fortführung des Kyoto-Protokolls nach 2012 verhandelt und versucht Möglichkeiten zu finden, um Afrika verstärkt vom Technologietransfer unter dem Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) profitieren zu lassen.

Results of COP 12

Daily News
about COP 12

Infos from NGOs

Basic information

Results of COP 12

Earth Negotiations Bulletin
Summary of the 12th Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC and the 2nd Meeting ot the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol.

ENB Daily Reports

Belarus gets access to Kyoto emissions trading
Kyoto Protocol signatory states gave their consent to including Belarus into the environmental treaty's Annex B at UN climate talks in Kenya earlier this month, giving the country access to emission quota trading.
21.11.06, © Naviny

Nairobi climate talks end in deal
The UN climate talks in Nairobi have ended with agreement reached on all outstanding matters.
17.11.06, © BBC

Erster Schritt zu Kyoto-Folgeabkommen
Nach zähen Verhandlungen hat sich die UNO-Klimakonferenz in Nairobi zum Abschluss ihrer zweiwöchigen Tagung am Freitag auf eine Überprüfung des Kyoto-Protokolls ab 2008 geeinigt. Ein Datum für das Ende der Revision wurde jedoch ebenso wenig festgelegt wie die Vorbedingungen.
17.11.06, © Der Standard

Gemischte Bilanz der UN-Konferenz in Nairobi
Die UN-Konferenz für Klimawandel ist am Freitag zu Ende gegangen. Die Beratungen über die Vorgehensweise nach dem Auslaufen des Kyoto-Protokolls im Jahr 2012 von mehr als 180 Staaten fanden zwar kein fruchtbares Ende, in Teilbereichen wurden jedoch Erfolge erzielt.
17.11.06, © ORF Sience

Big Conference on Warming Ends, Achieving Modest Results
The yearly United Nations conference on climate change ended Friday with only modest results after delegates failed to establish a timetable for future cuts on pollution linked to global warming.
Despite nearly two weeks of meetings, which drew 6,000 participants to Nairobi from around the world, the delegates could not agree on a number of issues, especially how to move beyond the Kyoto Protocol, which requires cuts in emissions by most industrialized countries but expires in 2012.
16.11.06, © New York Times

Daily Press News

Talks unlikely to produce push for a new Kyoto
YVO de Boer was, naturally, diplomatic. Asked what he thought of Prime Minister John Howard's promise to "push for a New Kyoto" at the global warming summit in Nairobi this week, the United Nations climate change convention executive director said Australia was "very actively engaged" in general debates.
16.11.06, © The Age

Chief U.S. climate negotiator says U.S. has eye on 'cap-and-trade' systems
U.S. President George W. Bush's administration, seeking "the most effective approaches," will watch closely how California, other U.S. states and other nations carry out their plans for reining in global-warming gases, the chief U.S. negotiator said Thursday.
16.11.06, © IHT

UN talks seek extended Kyoto "as soon as possible"
A U.N. climate change conference has reaffirmed a goal of agreeing an extension of the Kyoto Protocol on curbing global warming "as soon as possible" beyond 2012 but without setting a deadline. A committee of delegates from 165 nations said it would end its work "as early as possible and in time to ensure that there is no gap" between the end of Kyooto's first period lasting until 2012 and new limits for industrialized nations from 2013.
15.11.06, © Reuters Canada

Klimakonferenz in Nairobi in entscheidender Phase
Die Klimakonferenz in Nairobi geht heute in ihre entscheidende Phase. Dazu werden UNO- Generalsekretär Kofi Annan und zahlreiche Minister in der kenianischen Hauptstadt erwartet.
15.11.06, © ORF News

Nairobi climate talks split on CDM carbon burial
U.N. climate talks were split on Thursday over whether to permit burial of heat-trapping gases in developing nations under the U.N.'s Kyoto Protocol.
09.11.06, © Science News

Uneinigkeit auf UN-Gipfel über Kyoto-Nachfolgeregelung
Die Teilnehmer des Klimagipfels der Vereinten Nationen sind uneinig über die Aushandlung einer Nachfolgeregelung für das 2012 auslaufende Kyoto-Protokoll. Neue langfristige Regelungen im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel sollten Delegierten zufolge sobald wie möglich vereinbart werden. Allerdings blieb am Dienstag unklar, ob dies 2008, 2009 oder 2010 bedeutet.
08.11.06, © Der Standard


Information from NGOs

Germanwatch: Informationen zu COP 12

Klima-Seite von Global 2000

The CAN Climate Conference Newsletter

WWF-Seite zum Klimaschutz

Climate Network Europe

Friends of the Earth


Basic Information

Technology in a Post-2012 Transatlantic Perspective
© CEPS, November 2005 (by Christian Egenhofer)
The EU and the US have found themselves supporting two polar views on which strategy is the most effective in achieving stabilisation of greenhouse (GHG) emissions: ‘market pull’ vs ‘technology push’. As an advocate of the latter, the US asserts that the principal emphasis should be on technology development, financed through typical public R&D programmes. In supporting the ‘market-pull’ approach, the EU argues that technological change is an incremental process emanating primarily from business and industry, induced by government incentives. This paper argues that these two opposing positions can be explained by the respective political economies in the EU and the US but that changes are afoot that can improve the prospects for cooperation. In order to foster the convergence of views, additional conditions need to be fulfilled in both the EU and the US.

Towards a Post-2012 Climate Change Regime
Final Report by K. Blok, N. Höhne, A. Torvanger, R. Janzic
© European Commission, DG Environment

Action on Climate Change post 2012
© European Commission
The EU's Contribution to Shaping the Future Global Climate Change Regime

CDM in the Post Kyoto Regime
© Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI), Japan
Workshop Issue Paper, March 22 and 23, 2005
This paper is prepared to set the scene of the workshop “CDM in the Post-Kyoto Regime: Incentive mechanisms for developing countries to promote energy conservation and renewable energies” to be hosted by Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI), Japan on Tuesday 22nd and Wednesday 23rd, March, 2005 at Mitsubishi Research Institute, Japan.

Strengthening the CDM
© IETA; Position Paper for COP 11 and COP/MoP 1

Designing Climate Policy - The Challenge of the Kyoto Protocol
© ACCC; Stefan Hans Abele, Thomas C. Heller, Stefan Schleicher (eds.)
The Kyoto Protocol is an outstanding landmark on a long journey to fight climate change.
This volume is intended to facilitate identifying dead ends in the search for a global climate change.

Wirtschaftliche Innovation durch eine umweltorientierte Wirtschaftspolitik
© ACCC; Stefan P. Schleicher , Universität Graz
Die Transformation der österreichischen Umweltpolitik auf dem Weg von Zwentendorf bis Kyoto

Weathervane's Glossary on Cimate Policy
What is the Conference of the Parties? What are activities implemented jointly (AIJ)? What is the "EU bubble" ? These and further expressions are explained.


© ACCC 01.11.2008

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